Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Not so Lazy Summer


This is turning out to be a not-so-lazy summer. I kicked off the summer with finger surgery on May 30th (a joint replacement of my knuckle on my left index finger) It’s recovering well but I’ll be on a brace for another 6 weeks-2 months. I am plagued with arthritis in my hands and though this is surgery #8 in my hands, I’m pretty sure this is not the last of my hand surgeries. 

Meanwhile in my writing life, I have a lot going on as always. I’m juggling several writing projects at once. I just worked through the edits on my kid’s book that will be published by Mt. Zion Ridge Press next May and I love a couple of suggestions my editor made! I’ve also seen a couple of the illustrations my talented illustrator is doing and they are great. I’m so excited for this debut children’s book to release next year! Mt. Zion Ridge Press always publishes their books in both English and Spanish. So cool! I’m also working on a new article for Answers in Genesis kid’s magazine that I’m co-writing with a friend. I finished the historical novel (that has pirates in it) that I co-wrote with my oldest son and am printing it off to send to my first beta reader—my little sister. lol! It doesn’t have a publisher yet. Once I get it edited by both my husband and a friend, I’ll try to figure out what’s next on it. And after my son commented that we could write a sequel to this first novel with the child in it as the protagonist and I realized 20 years after this first story would be the American Revolution, in my spare time I’m brushing up on that time period and Revolutionary War history and plotting out that book. Whew! Oh, and I’m watching my mailbox for a complimentary copy of “Bible Advocate” (and check) that has an article I wrote in it. Whew! But I so love what I do!