Thursday, January 9, 2025

Welcome 2025

2025 has come in with a blast! A blast of snow, that is. Here in Louisville where I live, we just had an historic snowstorm that dropped over ten inched on the ground. I've been pretty much stuck in my house for going on five days now. I did get out yesterday to make a grocery run. This short stay at home gives me time to look ahead at what 2025 will bring to my writing world. 

January: My contributor copies of Chicken Soup's newest book, "Laughter's the Best Medicine" should arrive, though they haven't yet. I have a devotion in "The Secret Place".

February: "Laughter's the Best Medicine" releases and is available for sale in stores and on Amazon.

March: The MidSouth Christian Writers Conference will be held in Memphis March14-15. I will not only be attending, I'll be co-teaching a three-hour workshop on devotional writing on Friday afternoon the 14th. Also, my newest devotional book, a 2nd in the "Wonder & Worship" series will be releasing sometime this spring. I don't have a release date yet but think it will be sometime in March.

April: The annual EPA Evangelical Press Association conference will be held in Branson MO, I don't think I will be able to attend this year, but I sure enjoyed attending last year!

May: May has a lot of things happening, the main one being that my debut children's book will be releasing from Mt. Zion Ridge Press! I can't wait to share more with you about both of my upcoming releases! Also in May I will have a blog post in the EPA Freelancers blog and at the end of May are the Selah awards.

June: in early June the Southern Christian Writers Conference will be held. I may be participating in it this year. 

And as if that isn't enough to keep me busy, I am always writing articles and devotions that may get published at any time. I have two-three devos published on the online site, Arise Daily every month, usually have a devotion in "The Secret Place" quarterly, and am usually asked to write seven for "The Quiet Hour" once or twice a year. 

As far as books go, here are all the irons I have in the fire:

"Wonder & Worship through the Year" (devotional book I co-wrote with Shirley Crowder) releasing from "Entrusted Books" this spring. It's turned in but we haven't gotten our edits back to work on or our cover.

"Stuck in the Middle" (children's book) releasing from Mt. Zion Ridge Press in May. (Turned in, edited, illustrations turned in, just waiting for the final touches.)

"Savannah Sunrise" (historical romance that I co-wrote with my son, Trapier Michael) is finished but not contracted yet.

"Boston Dawn" (tentative title, historical romance) is a sequel to "Savannah Sunrise" so far, my son and I have only the first two chapters of it written but its plotted and pretty well researched, I am giving us til June to work on it and then will need to put it aside to start on another devo book with my friend, Shirley.

"Catch the Fire" (tentative title, a missions-based devotional I want to co-write with Shirley)

And finally, I have several more children's books written that I need to pull out and polish up, one at a time.

Did I mention that I love writing? lol! Here's to a successful 2025!