Thursday, April 9, 2020

A Time Like None Other

These certainly are strange times. I, like most of you, am stuck at home waiting out the Covid 19 pandemic, hoping and praying the cases will decrease and a cure can be found soon. In the meantime, I'm trying to keep busy.

How am I keeping busy? Well, my substitute teaching job is pretty much over for the year since summer is so close upon us so I'm not doing that. I'm cleaning and fixing up my house. I braved the lines at Home Depot and bought two gallons of antique white paint and a gallon of white trim paint. (Trim has a higher gloss.) So far I have painted the upstairs hall and a bedroom that I plan to turn into my writing space. And of course, I'm still writing. Here are some updates on that. In March, April, and May my writing will appear in the following:

1) a story in a Chicken Soup book
2) a devotion in the spring issue of "The Secret Place" (Judson Press)
3) a parenting tip in Focus on the Family magazine
and I have completed two writing assignments--a seven day devotional assignment from "The Quiet Hour" (David C. Cook) and an article assignment for "Focus on the Family Magazine."

But I've had two speaking engagements canceled due to the virus. One has been rescheduled. The other was teaching a workshop at a writers conference. Hopefully, they'll ask me to teach next year.

My co-writer on many of my books, Shirley Crowder and I have started reading devotions from one of our books on a Facebook Live. She reads on Tuesdays and I read on Thursdays. This has been challenging but fun. Shirley and I also have the 2nd in our year around devotional series releasing soon so at any moment, I could get galley edits (line edits from my publisher / editor) in my inbox and have to drop everything to do those.

So yeah, I'm keeping busy. The pic at the top of this post is the cover to our soon-to-be-released book, by the way. Stay healthy!

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